Spring Boot Profiles: Step-by-Step Guide for Developers

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Spring Boot Profiles provide developers with a powerful way to manage environment-specific configurations. Whether you’re in development, testing, or production, profiles let you define tailored settings, ensuring your application runs smoothly across different environments. This feature simplifies deployment scenarios and enhances flexibility.

In this article, we’ll explore Spring Boot Profiles in depth, including how to define and use them effectively for better application management.

What Are Spring Boot Profiles?

Spring Boot Profiles allow developers to define multiple configuration sets for their application, depending on the target environment. For instance:

  • Create beans conditionally based on the active profile.
  • Use a separate database for testing and development.

You can define profiles in:

  • Property files (e.g., application-dev.properties)
  • YAML files (e.g., application.yml)
  • Java code (programmatically activating profiles)

By default, Spring Boot activates the default profile if no other is specified. To use a specific profile, set the property spring.profiles.active to the desired profile name.

How to Use Spring Boot Profiles

Now that you understand the benefits of using profiles in Spring Boot, let’s go over how to use them effectively.

Defining profiles

Profiles can be defined using property files or YAML files. For example, you might have an application-dev.properties file for your development environment and an application-prod.properties file for your production environment. To activate a profile, you can set the spring.profiles.active property in your application.properties file:


This will activate the dev profile, and Spring Boot will load the application-dev.properties.

Note: When you define the spring.profiles.active property in your application.properties file, Spring Boot loads both that file and the properties file specific to the active profile. As a result, any properties defined in the application.properties file will be overridden by those in the active profile’s properties file, provided they share the same key.


  • Create different property files for each environment

Create a application.properties file in your src/main/resources directory, containing the default database configuration:


Add another properties file named application-dev.properties in the same directory, containing the configuration for the development database:


Create a third properties file named application-prod.properties in the same directory, containing the configuration for the production database:

  • Configure your application to use profiles

In your application.properties file, add the following line to indicate which profiles should be active:


By default, Spring Boot will use the appropriate information provided in the properties file related to the active profile for configuring the data source connection. The properties that Spring Boot uses to configure the data source connection include:(spring.datasource.url , spring.datasource.username , spring.datasource.password).

  • Run your application with different profiles

To run your application with the development profile and use theapplication-dev.properties file for configuration, set thespring.profiles.active property to dev, or when you are running your application use: — spring.profiles.active property.

java -jar app.jar --spring.profiles.active=dev

By using profiles in this way, you can easily switch between different database configurations for different environments, without having to modify your application code or configuration files.

Best Practices for Spring Boot Profiles

Follow these best practices to maximize the effectiveness of Spring Boot Profiles:

  • Use Meaningful Names: Profile names like local, dev, prod, or test should clearly describe their purpose.
  • Define Defaults: Include default configurations in application.properties to ensure the app runs even if no profile is specified.
  • Leverage Environment Variables: Use environment variables to set the active profile dynamically without changing the code.

Benefits of Using Spring Boot Profiles

  • Seamless Environment Switching: Easily switch between development and production configurations without code changes.
  • Centralized Configuration Management: Keep environment-specific settings organized in separate files.
  • Improved Scalability: Easily add new environments, such as QA or staging, without disrupting your existing configurations.

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